
Holistic Alcohol Rehab

Find Best Alternative Drug Rehab Centers in the World

Choose holistic Alcohol Rehab Treatment Centers
If you are in search for Alternative Drug Rehab Treatment Centers, there are certainly abundance of options available to you. However, a large quantity of options does not necessarily mean quality selection. In fact, one study revealed that approximately 97 percent of the individuals who undergo conventional addiction treatment quickly experienced relapse.

For that reason, it's important to choose your facility carefully. Being a Malibu, Hollywood or Beverly Hills non 12 step drug treatment center may give a facility status. However, location does not guarantee the success or effectiveness of that facility's addiction recovery program.

Alternative Drug Rehab Centers: What to Ask
If you are truly dedicated to non 12 step addiction recovery for yourself or your loved one, it is fairly easy to narrow down your choices of Alternative non 12 step treatment program centers in Los Angeles, California. When assessing programs including any ibogaine drug rehabilitation center, inquire from the staff the following:

  • Does the center advocate that addiction is an incurable disease?
  • Do the center use the same methods to  treat all of your clients?
  • How many 1 on 1 therapies do you offer? less than 2 hours per day? less than 30 hours per week?

Best Addiction Treatment Centers
Addiction continues to be a very large problem in America. Some areas experience a rise in addiction rates close to a thousand percent for the last ten years. Even though there are more treatment centers available now than before, more people are failing during treatment and there are more relapses than ever. These are signals that the methods used at these facilities are far from working.

The protocol used at these facilities involves the use of highly addictive prescription medications to treat addictions like heroin addiction. They combine talk therapy and 12 step programs that outline the helplessness of the patient and have left them feeling defeated right from the start. This leads an astonishing majority right back into addiction. A new method is needed to change all of this, one that takes each individual into the root cause for consideration. It must help them get back to where they were before addiction and bring them a cure that helps them regain control and become empowered.

This new approach is not only possible but it is actually happening right now at The Holistic Sanctuary. The Holistic Sanctuary provides a treatment center unlike any other and its stimulating success has left experts and specialists in awe as the approach goes against all of the treatment protocols they have been taught for years. The Holistic Sanctuary is a place where patients get the ability to take their lives back and CURE themselves of addiction.

Best Holistic Treatment Approach
The Holistic Sanctuary offers an all-natural, holistic approach to treating addiction to alcohol, heroin, opioids, benzos, cocaine, meth, and more. But what is the meaning of the term "holistic"” Take a look at what a holistic alcohol rehab should be and what it should not be.

Plant based therapies
Our holistic approach is centered around time-tested plant therapies, including Ayahuasca ceremonies and Ibogaine treatment. Our Ayahuasca ceremonies use a powerful healing Ayahuasca tea, which gives clients a life-altering experience that allows them to combat underlying issues in a safe and minimal risk environment. Ibogaine, meanwhile, is a powerhouse of healing from West Africa that, when used correctly, can treat heroin and other narcotic addictions. We also employ kambo and 5-MeO DMT.

Natural treatment modalities
Our program uses a wide variety of natural treatment modalities that provide healing at the cellular level. When combined with our powerful plant therapies, these treatment modalities make for a safe and comprehensive healing regimen. Through our natural treatment modalities, clients are prepared for the powerful plant-based therapies that we use, and they can enjoy the healing properties that these plants offer while cultivating a new, holistic lifestyle. Head over here for a brief look at some of the many natural treatment modalities we use. Visit our website : https://www.theholisticsanctuary.com/

Contact us:
(310) 601-7805

The Holistic Sanctuary | Holistic Alcohol Rehab
1212 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90212

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